"I passed an hour in this state of mind, when suddenly I reflected how fearful the combat which I momentarily expected would be to my wife, and I earnestly intreated her to retire, resolving not to join her until I had obtained some knowledge as to the situation of my enemy" (pg 144).When I read this paragraph I legitimately lost every ounce of respect for Victor and quickly joined Team Frankencreature. For those keeping count, I am now on Team Iago, Team anti-dad in Death of a Salesman and now Team Frankencreature.
I can't help but laugh when I reread this paragraph just now and actually caught the second irony on it. Well, the first one is pretty obvious and really is more of a foreshadow that something bad was going to happen to one of them, but my dog even caught it when she read the book with me.
When I reread this just now, I could not help but notice the last clause of Victor's quote. I have some strange feeling that Victor did not actually know that he would be joining Elizabeth by realizing that the Frankencreature's situation was murdering his wife. Remember that one time Victor murdered the Frankencreature's lady friend?
I truly believe that a water balloon fight between the Frankencreature and Victor would have been an invigorating conclusion to this novel, but I suppose that is why I just read it.
Well Victor, you really showed the monster that time! I am so glad you were able to fulfill your duty to not join your wife until you found out where the Frankencreature was. Why not just vow to follow the creature where ever he goes while you are at it?
Oh, well this is awkward.
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