Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I hate catchy choruses, but I'm a hypocryte.

"Should I feel kindness towards my enemies?  No: from that moment I declared ever-lasting war against my species, and, more than all, against him who had formed me, and sent me forth to this insupportable misery" (pg 97).
"The feelings of kindness and gentleness, which I had entertained but a few moments before, gave place to hellish rage and gnashing of teeth.  Inflamed by pain, I vowed eternal hatred and vegeance to all mankind" (pg 101).
"But it is true that I am a wretch.  I have murdered the lovely and the helpless; I have strangled the innocent as they slept, and grasped to death his throat who never injured me or any other living thing" (pg 165).
As I write this blog, I realized that out of the list of 108 literary terms that I have been studying thus far this year, I have used maybe 30 of them over and over again.  Let's take a look at the hubris of the creature.

I decided that to truly show the hubris, I needed to show you a bit of progression in the creature's trust of humanity and attitude towards them.  Now, I have not really came to a concise hubris, but I am hoping that I can outline out my thought process and maybe come to some sort of decision on the matter or maybe my loyal readers will have some idea (seriously, why so many international views on my blog!)

Enough about my worldwide popularity, maybe I should get back to my thought process, which will obviously come in bullet points.
  • The creature continually goes back and forth between what to hate or love about humanity.
  • The creature hates Victor for not caring for him, but gets back at him by killing others.
  • The creature grieves at Victor's death, yet it was his fault that Victor died while trying to kill the creature (even I am confused by that sentence...).
  • The creature never had a counselor or friend whom he could release his emotions to.
I really don't want to say that the creatures hubris is alone his own solitude, but even after a whopping three quotes and four bullet points I am drawing a blank. I think that maybe I am not really searching for a hubris, but rather a source of the hubris outside of his isolation.  A part of me wants to say that it is his ugliness, but I think it may be more of a lack of parent figure.  Something within me makes me feel like many people without a clear parent figure in their life take bad routes versus humanity.

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